Thursday, February 4, 2010

PANK is fun to say

And it's a literary magazine, collective, website, entity, group of individuals who are doing great things with and for writing. PANK 4 is available now, and contains my short-short story, "Comet's Return," along with new work from one of my favorite poets, Bob Hicok. Also included are Kyle Minor, Matt Bell, Jennifer Pieroni, Meg Pokrass, Coralie Reed, Ethel Rohan, Kathleen Rooney, Emily Rosko, Matthew Simmons, Tim Jones-Yelvington, Steven McDermott, JA Tyler, David Erlewine, Alicia Gifford, Elisa Gabbert, and many more.

PANK also published my short piece, "The Rest of Your Life," online last summer. There's audio to boot. Who doesn't like being read to?

There's a new robot in town checking out my blargh. Hi, robot! I hope you like my stories. I hope you are not rusting out this winter in the northerly suburbs, and if you are, maybe a girl in a gingham dress will come by soon with an oilcan. Tin man, robot -- OK, bit of a stretch. But anyway, robot? If, like other robots I have known, you are looking for lessons in how to feel, I've got two cd recommendations: Feist's "The Reminder" (featuring my theme song/credo, "I Feel it All"), and The Avett Brothers album "Emotionalism," esp. "All My Mistakes," which I found a way to quote in class this week.

Are you the type of robot that can see into the future? If so, I have a question: will I get Avett concert tickets for my birthday?



  1. Totally cool--congrats, Sarah. Bob Hicok is maybe my favorite poet, as well. Animal Soul is crazy good.

  2. Hey Sarah,

    Look forward to reading your story and thank you for naming me.

    I hope my copy arrives today!

  3. Brian: also "This Clumsy Living." Ahhh.
    Tim: you're very welcome. Looking forward to reading more of your writing. I believe we have friends in common -- Tadd & Rebekah?

  4. Hi Sarah, I'm looking forward to PANK 4 as well! My brother just sent me the Avett Bros. CD and I'm liking it quite a bit.

  5. Wow, your story is insanely wonderful. Instead of making my kids dinner, I want to write.

  6. 1. I love all of your writing, 2. I love the Avett Brothers, 3. I want to take another one of your classes - are you teaching at IUPUI over the summer?, and 4. I maybe have been stalking this blog for weeks before I realized that I could "follow" it and be less creepy. Or appropriately, blog-etiquette-ly creepy :)That is all.

    Allison Albaugh (from W207 in the fall)

  7. Allison! You are a much better surprise than a robot. Thanks for reading my stuff. I'm likely not teaching this summer, sadly - would love to have you in class again. You going to Avetts Sunday? Not me: SOLD OUT. So sad. But glad I saw them here last spring.
