I'm sending out 2009 with 70 books read.
This was my second year keeping track, and last year's book total was 61. My tally as of this Tuesday: 69 books. It was too close to 70 -- and too close to nerd dirty jokes -- for me to stop there. As we say around the holidays, "Why stop eating now?" So when 2010's breathing down my neck, "Why stop reading now?" Books!
This year I considered rejiggering the spreadsheet. Adding more categories, potentially some formulas, maybe a 3D rotating representation of the data. People weighed in with questions and comments throughout the year: Does a reread count? Was I going to add literary journals? Poetry collections? Anthologies? Encyclopedias, a la A.J. Jacobs?
Alas, I come from the Avril Lavigne school of thought: Whydja have to go and make things so complicated? Also I do not read encyclopedias. So once again, I counted only books that I read all the way through, in the categories of fiction, nonfiction, and young adult novels.*
We may also consult Lavigne on the issue of choosing books. She posits: HEY HEY YOU YOU I DON'T LIKE YOUR GIRLFRIEND; the girlfriend in question's offense being that, quote, She's like, so whatever, unquote. From this we can surmise that issues of taste influence our basest needs and desires, and are not to be trifled with, lest a Sk8tr Grrl engage you in a round of mini-golf bullying.** In other words, different people like different things, often for reasons they cannot articulate. OK.
And now it's time for the breakdown:
-29 novels, 20 nonfiction (11 memoirs), 13 young adult, 8 short story collections
-31 books by women, 39 by men
-High: 11 books in December, 10 apiece in May and July
-Low: Once again, November, 1 book read atop a whole lotta grading.
Power of the spoken word: Some of my favorite books this year were by people whose readings I attended. The Lazarus Project by Aleksandar Hemon and Gilead by Marilynne Robinson (at the AWP Conference in Chicago), Paper Towns by John Green (at the Second Story fundraiser - a great nonprofit, should you wish to contribute), Space by Jesse Lee Kercheval and The Florist's Daughter by Patricia Hampl (both on campus. Joe Bonomo gave another great reading, and I'm eager to finish his book Sweat in 2010.)
Location, location: I read Elizabeth Strout's Olive Kitteridge, set on the Maine coast, at the beach. Years ago, my friend Barney recommended Another Bullshit Night in Suck City by Nick Flynn; I read the Boston-based memoir on the flight to his wedding there (Barney's, not Nick Flynn's). Far more books were read on my porch for as long as the weather allowed. In the winter I retreated to the couch with my homemade Snuggie. (Wanna make something of it? Do not anger the Snuggie.)
Word of mouth: still my favorite way to learn about books. Students, friends, family, the mailman -- everybody's got a suggestion. And this year I was able to recommend something new to Walt, our literary letter carrier: Mailman by J. Robert Lennon, also a rec from the aforementioned Barney, set in my old stomping grounds of Central New York. I had to warn Walt: the title character besmirches the occupation's name. He was interested nonetheless.
I finished Middlemarch -- a hefty book that I actually started the year before -- the same day Michael Jackson died. I have no idea what this means. Except for this (spoiler alert) from the book's last page: "...For the growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs."
Thanks, George Eliot. I needed that.
Notes on the note
*Also comparing '08 and '09 is easier using the same categories. Apples to apples, rather than oranges to Runts candy shaped like oranges. And I did make note of poetry collections (11), because why not? I am officially reporting two rereads this year, for the stringent book auditors among us: Which Brings Me to You by Elinor Lipman, and The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz. Though I'd read and loved both in 2008, it was like opening brand-new books. Way to go, retention. Slow it up already.
**Notice that the bookish/nerdy Girlfriend who is mocked in this video is played by Lavigne herself. The singer's divided persona*** clearly shows her competing desires to be loved for her brains (as indicated by plaid skirt, glasses, and do-you-smell-bleu-cheese facial expressions) as well as her Sk8tr Grrl looks. But watch who indirectly sends whom into the pond. And then a Port-a-Potty. Just sayin'.
***There are really three versions of Lavigne in the video, two of which get the same guy. It's practically Jane Austen, save for the skirt hems and (dramatic pause, sharp intake of breath, Gwyn-brit accent) utter lack of honor.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The research is clear: people are happier when they unburden themselves to others, whether it's face-to-face or written communication.
In this spirit of sharing, allow me to unburden myself of this creepy-yet-compelling photo of Vladimir Putin.

He appears to have a deep interest in this baby's nutrition. (Oh, I know he can't really see the baby. Or CAN he?) Will the spoonful reach the mouth, will some of the brown mush dribble out? Stay tuned, World Watchers, just like Putin. It seems like yesterday when he was kissing a little boy's stomach, wanting to touch him "like a kitten," but really that was 2006. And this week it will be 2010. Oy.
Unrelated, but also intriguing:

I doubt I need to say anything more about this newsmaker; I'm interested in the image/text combo. Here's how I read it: "I Have Let My Family Down. HEEEYAAAAAA!" Sort of a primal Howard Dean-esque scream (a scream for which Dean took much flak, a scream sent forth while he was seeking the 2004 Democratic party nomination. While hilarious, the criticism of him was overdone: the burst of excitement was touching. Humans being human, you know?) The above photo is not touching, and it's only quasi-human -- a photo of a celebrity on a Nike poster that appeared in a newspaper and has been scanned in and which is now viewable on a multitude of different computer screens. It's pretty far removed from the situation. HEEEYAAAAAA!
Recently I read Lia Purpura's wonderful book of essays, "On Looking." Poetic and lovely, it's a meditation on seeing, watching. She uses a glacial metaphor -- dropped rocks and detritus and so on -- to explain how we sort out details and eventually, after much time, make sense of what we see. "Poor sorting" is one term the glaciologists use.
In nature and among people, looking is among my favorite occupations. It's different at a remove. TV, news, interweb, seemingly unreal celebrities and politicians -- we're burdened by it, all the sorting and sifting required as part of existence in the electronic age. Sometimes I think it's a good burden, a mental exercise. Sometimes I'd rather just go for a walk. Maybe I will. And later today I will drive a car for the first time since I was T-boned last week. A rental; my own car is unavailable for comment. This is the longest I've gone without driving since I was a teenager. I'm scared. Unburdening. Maybe I should bring along a small television for the car so Big Brother Putin can keep an eye on me. Heeeyaaaaaa.
In this spirit of sharing, allow me to unburden myself of this creepy-yet-compelling photo of Vladimir Putin.

He appears to have a deep interest in this baby's nutrition. (Oh, I know he can't really see the baby. Or CAN he?) Will the spoonful reach the mouth, will some of the brown mush dribble out? Stay tuned, World Watchers, just like Putin. It seems like yesterday when he was kissing a little boy's stomach, wanting to touch him "like a kitten," but really that was 2006. And this week it will be 2010. Oy.
Unrelated, but also intriguing:

I doubt I need to say anything more about this newsmaker; I'm interested in the image/text combo. Here's how I read it: "I Have Let My Family Down. HEEEYAAAAAA!" Sort of a primal Howard Dean-esque scream (a scream for which Dean took much flak, a scream sent forth while he was seeking the 2004 Democratic party nomination. While hilarious, the criticism of him was overdone: the burst of excitement was touching. Humans being human, you know?) The above photo is not touching, and it's only quasi-human -- a photo of a celebrity on a Nike poster that appeared in a newspaper and has been scanned in and which is now viewable on a multitude of different computer screens. It's pretty far removed from the situation. HEEEYAAAAAA!
Recently I read Lia Purpura's wonderful book of essays, "On Looking." Poetic and lovely, it's a meditation on seeing, watching. She uses a glacial metaphor -- dropped rocks and detritus and so on -- to explain how we sort out details and eventually, after much time, make sense of what we see. "Poor sorting" is one term the glaciologists use.
In nature and among people, looking is among my favorite occupations. It's different at a remove. TV, news, interweb, seemingly unreal celebrities and politicians -- we're burdened by it, all the sorting and sifting required as part of existence in the electronic age. Sometimes I think it's a good burden, a mental exercise. Sometimes I'd rather just go for a walk. Maybe I will. And later today I will drive a car for the first time since I was T-boned last week. A rental; my own car is unavailable for comment. This is the longest I've gone without driving since I was a teenager. I'm scared. Unburdening. Maybe I should bring along a small television for the car so Big Brother Putin can keep an eye on me. Heeeyaaaaaa.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I, too, am a strange loop
I don't expect to be amazed in the doctor's office,* reading the magazines. I don't expect to be amazed by a magazine I actually subscribe to, but haven't read yet. (I will, promise, even if they are stacked up accusingly with all the rest.).
Yet: amazed. This interview Matt Gonzalez did with IU prof Douglas Hofstadter in Indy Monthly took up a single page. I can't stop thinking of it.
Short excerpt: "We copy. We absorb. We are so profoundly influenced by other people that we become partly another person. A part of that person remains inside other people after the brain of that person has perished."
Read the rest here. He wrote a book called "I Am a Strange Loop." Which I must now find and read.
I have tried to write about this. I have tried to write about memory and loss and the brain's desire to recreate the missing, the brain's often inaccurate rendering of people/places/events. I have felt the presence of those whose physical presence is impossibly gone, whether by death or distance. I have mimicked and copied and absorbed into my brain. I don't know how successful I've been, but I've tried to write it down nonetheless.
Hofstadter's words linked my ideas together in a new way. Not unlike when I read Don Quixote, which took approximately 8 million years,** and I came across the line that would become an epigraph for my novel. I actually sat up in my chair and said, "Ha HA!" I thought to myself, THAT is why I've been reading this book. To find that line.*** Which makes me think books are a way to copy and absorb and become what has perished, which is the past. And we read and write through the filter of the present. For the future. Loop-de-loop.
*A wrist X-ray for what is likely tendonitis. Waste of a day off.
***I fear you'll be disappointed, here in this context-free setting. Read Cervantes yourself and find the line that does the same for you. When you find it, you may not say "Ha HA!" Perhaps you will harumph quietly, or a single tear will trickle down your cheek. Maybe you will sit silently in shock. But the moment will be yours, and that is the worthwhile thing.
Yet: amazed. This interview Matt Gonzalez did with IU prof Douglas Hofstadter in Indy Monthly took up a single page. I can't stop thinking of it.
Short excerpt: "We copy. We absorb. We are so profoundly influenced by other people that we become partly another person. A part of that person remains inside other people after the brain of that person has perished."
Read the rest here. He wrote a book called "I Am a Strange Loop." Which I must now find and read.
I have tried to write about this. I have tried to write about memory and loss and the brain's desire to recreate the missing, the brain's often inaccurate rendering of people/places/events. I have felt the presence of those whose physical presence is impossibly gone, whether by death or distance. I have mimicked and copied and absorbed into my brain. I don't know how successful I've been, but I've tried to write it down nonetheless.
Hofstadter's words linked my ideas together in a new way. Not unlike when I read Don Quixote, which took approximately 8 million years,** and I came across the line that would become an epigraph for my novel. I actually sat up in my chair and said, "Ha HA!" I thought to myself, THAT is why I've been reading this book. To find that line.*** Which makes me think books are a way to copy and absorb and become what has perished, which is the past. And we read and write through the filter of the present. For the future. Loop-de-loop.
*A wrist X-ray for what is likely tendonitis. Waste of a day off.
***I fear you'll be disappointed, here in this context-free setting. Read Cervantes yourself and find the line that does the same for you. When you find it, you may not say "Ha HA!" Perhaps you will harumph quietly, or a single tear will trickle down your cheek. Maybe you will sit silently in shock. But the moment will be yours, and that is the worthwhile thing.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I was just talking about how I get distract--
There are many things I could be doing, and in fact should be doing. But this is the time of year when I find myself...
-Answering telemarketer calls
-Completing annoying online surveys
-Scrubbing the stove
-Checking e-mail and Facebook 8 million times (but somehow not summoning the energy required to respond. I'm sorry: I probably owe you one. I'm sorry but I'm just thinking of the right words to say (I promise) I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be (I promise) But if I had to walk the world I'd make you something something, I promise you, I promise you. There: When in Rome just handily proved my point.)
-Watching for the mail truck
-Wandering aimlessly around the house
-Letting the kettle scream too long
-Dusting (!)
You know it's desperate when I start dusting. My students would find my procrastination hilarious -- that is, if they weren't so eager to know their grades. I'm exaggerating a little (really, Sarah? you?), since I seem to be on track: breaking the work down into small, manageable chunks. But I'm all out of my grading go-to energy source, candy corn, which could necessitate a trip to the store. Where maybe I should do some Christmas shopping. And buy a gift for my adorable new niece. And her big sis, so she won't feel left out. Also need more coffee filters. And is there an aisle that sells sleep?
-Answering telemarketer calls
-Completing annoying online surveys
-Scrubbing the stove
-Checking e-mail and Facebook 8 million times (but somehow not summoning the energy required to respond. I'm sorry: I probably owe you one. I'm sorry but I'm just thinking of the right words to say (I promise) I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be (I promise) But if I had to walk the world I'd make you something something, I promise you, I promise you. There: When in Rome just handily proved my point.)
-Watching for the mail truck
-Wandering aimlessly around the house
-Letting the kettle scream too long
-Dusting (!)
You know it's desperate when I start dusting. My students would find my procrastination hilarious -- that is, if they weren't so eager to know their grades. I'm exaggerating a little (really, Sarah? you?), since I seem to be on track: breaking the work down into small, manageable chunks. But I'm all out of my grading go-to energy source, candy corn, which could necessitate a trip to the store. Where maybe I should do some Christmas shopping. And buy a gift for my adorable new niece. And her big sis, so she won't feel left out. Also need more coffee filters. And is there an aisle that sells sleep?
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